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My Headline

Emotional Rescue

My Description

Had the most amazing childhood, my parents were the greatest. My life was drama free believing that everything in life is obtainable by simply working hard and treating others respectfully. 2010 I lost my only daughter she was 12. Thirty days after losing my daughter my wife committed suicide. I moved back to live with my Dad who was ill. My Dad just passed away 2012. I have a younger brother who I maintain a friendship with but don’t have it in my heart to pour out my feelings for what I have been through and his lack of caring for my needs. I have kept myself isolated and sheltered since losing my wife and child. I don’t go out, sleep to forget, work because I need to pay bills. I wouldn’t wish what happened to me to anyone. There are no words to express my sadness. I am a survivor, hoping each day a small piece of my heart heals. I am a good person looking to share everything good life has to offer. If there are other members on this site who can relate I would like to talk to you. I have changed so much. Life brings on a new perspective, Honestly I don’t know how I survived this, but I have!!
Its now Sept of 2016, several years have passed, Im letting you know that although Im still sad, I have sought therapy, group counseling and doing this without medication. I have a few friends that have shared some of the same types of sadness, but still wondering why this happened. My future is more positive. Really haven’t connected with God and his reasoning but its a huge puzzle and putting its pieces in place. Healing and mending take hard work and dedication. Thanks:)

Willing To Serve As

Brother, Father, Friend

Looking To Find

Sister, Mother, Friend




United States



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