
My Headline

I'm all alone

My Description

I had a really rough childhood – foster homes and group homes, prison, sexual and physical abuse. Growing up I made many mistakes and spent most of my life homeless on the streets, drugs, prostitution, and recently incarceration. I had a son by a very selfish and evil man who is nowhere near involved in my 8year old son's life. My son just started living with me a year ago. I've recently been laid off and just started a trade school for women. I look for love in all the wrong places and always end up in a dysfunctional relationship which never lasts long. It's so hard being a single mom with a mentally disabled mom and I just want to love and be loved. It would be nice to have family support or even help and advice sometimes. I'm a very lonely depressed young lady but I stay strong for my child. Soon I will be homeless but on the positive side I have my own clothing line, and will have a trade and career soon. I have no religion but I believe in consciousness awakening and the unbelievable. I love to meditate and to educate myself.

Looking To Find

Father, Mother, Friend, Mentor




United States



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