
First Name or Nickname


My Headline

We need somewhere healthy to be.

My Description

Hi, my name is Stephanie. I’m 23 years old, living with my wonderful husband and little girl. I’m studying at Gracie University to one day teach self defense to anyone who wants to learn, but especially to show women and children that they have value and that they are worth fighting for. I want to give them the tools to have the best chance of surviving in a dangerous situation that I possibly can. I come from a family that is dangerous and I was continually abused in one way for another throughout my life so I had to cut ties with almost everyone to keep me and my family safe. In turn I don’t have a grandmother for my little girl or a mom or aunts or uncles or cousins for her. My husbands mother is also deceased. The people that are safe continue to invite unsafe people into their home for the holidays so usually we don’t have anywhere to go. We really just want to start over with emotionally healthy people that strive continually to better themselves like we do and that ask themselves difficult questions. We are Christians that strive to live simply, to care for each other, and not get caught up in all the world has to offer. we really need good influences in our life and good examples to follow after as parents, because our families are so broken we often know what not to do as parents, but sometimes we don’t know for sure what TO do. We have to just pray and guess.

Willing To Serve As

Sister, Friend, Mentor, Daughter

Looking To Find

Sister, Father, Mother, Friend, Mentor




United States



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