
My Headline

Other Zambian languages

My Description

Hello I am Ruth.
I'm 24 years old. From Zambia, Africa. I have an older half sister and a younger sister.
My Mom died when I was five years old and then my great aunt took us in. My dad was very abusive physically especially with my Mom so that causes a lot of trauma for me growing up. I suffered from rejection and suicidal thoughts.
I lived with a missionary family that had an orphanage. They were more like Foster parents they helped me with with school supplies and other things.
Then in 2016 our "Mom" died of cancer and so that was the end of the family setup I had.
I've lived with different people and also Cross-cultural living isn't an issue for me. I'm looking to find parents that want to adopt an adult.
I studied hospitality and tourism and also discipleship and missions for a year with a missionary organization that I served with for 6 year's. Last year I left to try and get a job so I can financially support myself but to no avail I haven't been able to really get any job and now I'm some kind of live in help for my "sister" the daughter to my Foster parents.
I would like to study counseling and also English so that I could teach it as a second language.
I love traveling, baking and cooking.

I'm looking forward to any family that would like to adopt an adult.
Thank you in advance and God bless you richly.

Willing To Serve As

Sister, Friend

Looking To Find

Father, Mother



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