
My Headline

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My Description

I'm the youngest of 8. I always wanted to be close with my family but it has been difficult; wasn't really in the cards. I was closest with one brother who died in 2006. My other dear sister recently died from cancer. My faith is keeping me going. Life can get rough! Still, I am seeking more connections; I miss the bonds of family; am searching for a sister, possibly a mother, friends. A daughter would be nice. I live in Los Angeles. I don't mind long distance, but do hope to meet people in the area. Plus, if you say you want a relationship, then be willing to be present to having a relationship! Don't expect perfectionism or be unrealistic – obviously we are all here for a reason, right? Music is impt to me, I love 80's music, Bruce Springsteen, U2, Michael Jackson, classical; enjoy travel; day trips; wineries; cooking; shopping; exploring museums, local hot spots. I don't do drugs and am financially stable; am seeking same. Please be wanting to meet in person; while I can handle it, I'm not very interested in an email pen pal. But I am interested in quality relationships so if you are long distance, so be it! Good luck in your search.

Willing To Serve As

Sister, Friend

Looking To Find

Sister, Friend




United States



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