
My Headline

Looking for support and love

My Description

I had a close family as a child. I was the youngest and there was quite an age difference between the older ones and me. As I got older, into my teens, I became less interested in spending time with my family. They would talk about sports, what the others(cousins) were doing with their lives, college, family, etc. I felt very ignored and left out. I was into music and the arts. It was always about them. I felt uncomfortable. I never got encouragement, no one ever reached out to me to ask about me and what I was doing with my life, they werent concerned. Now, at age 45-46, I am feeling very alone. The family I felt close to has died over the years-my Dad, sister, aunts. The ones left are all about "do, do, do", "go, go, go!" I'm not wired like that. I need a low stress environment. I am disabled but want to get better. I have no one to talk to for support. I have lived on my own for close to 20 years so I know what that is like. I feel I could be of some support to younger people. I do not have children. I have street smarts. I pray to God everyday and He is my strength. I have faith somehow, someway, God will provide me with the people I need in my life to live a happy, joyful life not the stress laden one I have been stuck in.

Looking To Find

Brother, Sister, Father, Mother, Grandfather, Grandmother, Grandson, Friend, Mentor, Granddaughter, Son, Daughter


United States



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