Donate a Coat This Winter

Winter is a time for hot chocolate, soup and extra thick blankets. These are our creature comforts, it’s what us Internet junkies have come to expect each season. When it snows we take out our big shovels throw on a hat, gloves and coat. It would seem silly for us to go outside without a coat, though people across America face this reality each day.

Fortunately, One Warm Coat has been working to combat this problem each winter season. Active since 1992, the organization has collected close to 3 million coats, though they will still need your help this year.

According to the organization, recent storm disasters, swelling unemployment and decreasing public sector budgets have caused a surge in the number of needed coats. In the United States, 1 in 5 children live in households that fall below the poverty level.

So what are you waiting for? Click here to find your nearest coat drive location.

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