
My Headline

Kind, caring, seeks loving mom/friend

My Description

I am so unlike my biological mother! She is 91 and I swear I was switched at birth! I love all kinds of animals, she thinks animals are "dirty". She is very germ phobic, I guess that is why. I am very literary, I love to read and also write. She never liked my kids, who are now 16 and 18. She has told them repeatedly that they "are not her grandchildren". They still try to reach out to her, but she has never warmed up to them. They would like a warm grandmother who would talk to them, encourage them, be cool and be a role model. Someone who can help them through life. When my dad died, who was really an angel, and he LOVED my kids, they had nobody. My husbands family, (his brother is a prominent Dr) has had nothing to do with them. His brother gives to the osteopathic association for example, but has never visited, encouraged or tried to help my kids in life or now my 18 year old goes to college, and could use some help, at least encouragement! My 18 year old says, he has no extended family, which really upsets me. Well, we are a small "herd" so to speak! I try to take care of my mom, my dad made me promise I would, but it is hard, not because of her age, but because she has always been difficult. She is peevish about everything! I am free flowing and fun, take care of my animal and human friends, have 6 rescue dogs and have hairless cats and some hairys, and they are all very friendly and walk around with me like dogs! Everyone says I have the most friendly animals! They are all rescues and have issues, but they love me, I have a PINK hairless cat that sleeps in my arms every night! I see the big picture, and I try to enjoy life every day! If you like animals and people and want a really nice person in your life and can treat my children with love and encourage and help them, it would be great! Thanks for listening! :}

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