My Headline | Wanting a Family |
My Description | I have been married to the love of my life for almost 5 years. My husband is in college getting ready to graduate with his degree. He will also continue to get a law degree were he will go back into the military. I also am getting ready to start a degree myself. I came from a family that I thought that loved me but when things went south they no longer wanted me to be part of the family so my husbands and his family is all I have in my life. My goal is to find a mother and father to love me and also to be there for me, also having grandparents that love me as well. I would love to have brothers and sisters that I can call and talk to and hangout with. My other goal would to have a daughter and son to love . |
Willing To Serve As | |
Looking To Find | Brother, Sister, Father, Mother, Grandfather, Grandmother, Son, Daughter |
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