
My Headline

Mother: Will carry in my heart!

My Description

My father was adopted and his mother and father were foster parents for many years. I have had multiple miscarriages and have been unable to carry to term. My oldest set of twins would be turning 25 next month had they gone to term. My youngest baby would have been 6 years old now had I not miscarried. I would also have a set of 20 year old twins and an 18 year old. As I have realized my children would be the same ages as some who are aging out for foster care, my heart breaks to realize there are many children who may never experience the love I so wanted to give to my children. I hope to be a support and resource for those who need to have a mother figure who cares.

Willing To Serve As

Sister, Mother, Grandmother, Friend, Mentor, Granddaughter, Daughter

Looking To Find

Brother, Sister, Friend, Son, Daughter




United States



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