My Headline

hello c:

My Description

Im Chow.
I was disowned by my mother this year and I'm now currently in a shelter. Ive always known my family didnt want me but I always had a small bit of home that maybe they didnt feel that way. I was wrong to have believed but now maybe I can find a new family who might accept me? I live in a shelter in Manhattan and I am currently in Highschool. I am looking for work as well so that one day Ill be able to support myself. I dont drink and I dont do drugs but I have smoked weed before. In general Im a lost kid turning 18 in a few days and Im just hoping that.Ill be blessed with someone in my life to care about me. Thank you.

Willing To Serve As

Sister, Friend, Mentor, Granddaughter

Looking To Find

Brother, Father, Mother, Grandfather, Grandmother, Friend, Mentor




United States



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