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32 Year Old Guy Looking For A Loving Mom

My Description

Hi, my name is Christian, I am 32 years old. I was born on December 30 1984 in Pasadena, CA. I am of Sicilian-Mexican decent and I have a home based business, called Divino Restorations. I am a devoted Christian and genuine guy. As a child, I only remember a few moments of my life, where I had a loving home. After the age of 5, everything grew very dark for me because my parents were focused on them selves, there fight’s, there problems and my life has been very lonesome and grey, since than. Today, I am married with a two small son’s but my wife is unloving towards me as and I don’t want to feel pain and lonesomeness any more. I wish that I had parents of my own. Loving parent’s to visit, to talk to and hang with. To help make life more meaningful and awesome through an idividuals presence, time and love and this is what I wish I had. I don’t have any loving relative’s and I truly wish that I did. I wish that I had a moma to visit. God Bless, Sincerely Christian.

Willing To Serve As

Friend, Son

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United States



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