
My Headline

I want to find my brother.

My Description

About me: I'm quiet, but very strong willed. I don't get to get out much, and I don't have any friends, so I am pretty lonely. I can be funny at times, or so I'm told. I love gaming and technology, and have wasted much of my life on the Internet. I enjoy art to the fullest, and consider myself a photographer. I have a strong passion for many different types of music. I am also a self-described nerd, and have an affinity for anime and Japanese culture, cosplay, cyber security, Elder Scrolls, comic books and related universes, Doctor Who, Internet culture, and a myriad of other things.

I am an only child. I have shaky, often emotionally abusive relationships with my mother and grandmother, really the only family in my life. I've never met my biological father.
I have always wanted a sibling to fill the void of loneliness that I feel. Admittedly, I have had a near lifelong obsession with having a closely aged sibling to share my life with, particularly a brother. Best friend material, but much much closer.
I have been consistently suffering from depression for most of my life, but I hope to change that, and the factor of me feeling utterly alone.

Willing To Serve As

Sister, Friend

Looking To Find

Brother, Friend




United States



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