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My Headline

65yr old NYC illustrator seeks traveling companion that can drive

My Description

I’m interested in going from NYC to Cape Cod, Wash DC or Charlottesville Virginia where my sister lives. Other than my sister, I have no blood-related family and my friends have mostly moved away from NYC or aren’t available for trips or to just hang out and enjoy the many beautiful local NYC parks and beaches. I need a traveling companion because I don’t drive and have bad arthritis. I can walk and do stairs but I need some assistance such as carrying groceries, sometimes knobs and faucets are hard for me and small stuff like that. Plus it just more fun to go with someone and enjoy it together and share costs. We can take the train then rent a car to make the driving easier. I can pay my own way plus a little extra and I have lots of ideas of fun things to do that are not hard to do.

Willing To Serve As

Sister, Friend, Mentor, Companion, Spouse

Looking To Find

Sister, Friend, Companion, Spouse


New York




United States


Art, Concerts, Cooking, Dining Out, Internet, Lecture, Museums, Movies, Music, Painting, Travel

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