
My Description

I am 60 years old and grew up in a very violent environment. My father was physically abusive and I pretty much shut down during my growing up years. I spent years in counseling and have come to terms. I forgave him upon his death. I have a wonderful husband and he has made up for my distrust of men. We were unable to have children together, but he has grown children from previous relationships. I adore my stepson but he lives in Corpus and is busy raising his family. One of my stepdaughters has a drug problem and does not want help, and the other has nothing to do with either her father or me although she was the most privileged child. I had one sister and she has a daughter but sadly I don't get along with them as they have different values than I do. Life is what you make it. I know there are loving people out there in a similar situation that would love to find someone to love and to love them back. Nobody is perfect but a strong desire for a relationship and a good heart is necessary.

Willing To Serve As

Sister, Mother, Grandmother, Mentor

Looking To Find

Brother, Sister, Grandson, Granddaughter, Son, Daughter




United States



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