Mitch Albom & Have a Little Faith

Mitch Albom has become a staple for just about any reader. His books are sold internationally and seem to have magnetism to the New York Times Best Seller list. His first novel, Tuesdays With Morrie even managed to stay on the list for four years. An inspirational and talented writer, Albom digs in to anything that will allow him the opportunity to be creative. He possesses a laundry list of titles including author, journalist, screenwriter, playwright, radio and TV broadcaster, and musician.

With so many unique skills, it’s no wonder three of his books have been made into movies. And now, with the premier of Albom’s 2009 best seller, Have a Little Faith, we can make that four. A Hallmark Hall of Fame Movie, it has already received praise as an inspirational reminder of the goodness of others. Watch the trailer and see for yourself.

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