Prayer for the Lonely

In times of despair, there is always hope. In this prayer by Vienna Cobb Anderson, we explore the depths of loneliness and how we can rely on our own personal faith to guide us through such journeys. If you know someone who is suffering from a loss, pass this prayer on as hopeful inspiration. After all, it is difficult to endure such experiences alone.

Loving God,
there are times in each life
when there is no one.
No one with whom to share
a word,
a laugh,
a sad remembrance,
a gentle touch,
a fond embrace,
a kiss of love.
Bless each one who suffers
from such loneliness.
Enrich life with a friend
or gentle stranger
who will spend a moment
and loving.
In those times
your love shines through,
the world is reborn,
and Christ is known.
So be it!


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