
My Headline

Looking for family

My Description

Mixed race Irish/Japanese living with some roommates in Philadelphia.

My parents divorced when I was a baby and I lived with my very abusive mother and grandmother for most of my life, while my father went off and remarried. I haven't ever gotten the same story about why from either of them. My grandmother on my mother's side disowned me a few years ago and I haven't spoken to them since. Occasionally they try to call but whenever I've answered in the past, it's only been screaming from their end.

My father speaks to me maybe once every two months or so, but he won't put out the effort to actually help me or support me emotionally, so I find myself alone, wandering around aimlessly.

I could really use some family that actually cares for my well being.

Willing To Serve As

Brother, Friend, Mentor, Son, Spouse

Looking To Find

Brother, Sister, Father, Mother, Spouse




United States



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