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Looking for family to call my own

My Description

Open minded hard worker love to have a family to call my own. Educated business woman and student

Well here’s my story both my parents are from the islands. Im a pacific islander my birth mother abandoned me at the hospital at 2 days old. my father died. Sadly years later after the passing of my father, my mother passed away as well. I been alone since the day i was born living with different people and places. Life wasn’t very fair nor nice to me but the most high have been amazingly awesome. I remember being alone and hungry i would pick cans or trash to sell at 4-5 yrs old to get my next meal. People treated me so bad because i was an orphan, poor , and homeless. I always told myself when i grow up i will never be hungry again. And anyone whom needs my assistant i will do my best for people and love them as if they’re family. Well i am all grown up now. I have been a radio Dj for 5yrs in Hollywood Ca and Co’ hosted with the late Actor Omar Mosley, i also casting in a few tv shows and Movies etc. Now i have my own podcast show and my own business and i still work hard my life has falling in place but yet not Completely complete unless i have a family of my own. Thank you for reading this i am grateful to share my story hope to meet you all one day a place within my heart with people called family. Remember its never to late to follow your dreams Thank you .

Willing To Serve As

Sister, Mother, Grandmother, Granddaughter, Daughter

Looking To Find

Brother, Sister, Father, Mother, Grandfather, Grandmother, Grandson, Granddaughter, Son, Daughter




United States



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