
First Name or Nickname


My Headline

Looking for Family

My Description

I’m looking for a extreme long term to permanent female living partner to come live with me on my 40 acre roadside ranch property located in an upper mountain valley about an hour or so east of El Paso Texas in the city of Sierra Blanca Hudspeth county Texas 79851.
I have no biological children.
I love animals, the outdoors Good food music and learning about other people’s customs culture and food.
I’m a jack of all trades and love working with my hands.
I’m not a big drinker anymore but I like to make homemade wine every other blue moon or so.
I love cooking and would love some one to cook with and or for.
Race Nationality color doesn’t matter as long as You are of legal age and status and You do NOT follow the extreme republican maga crowd!

Willing To Serve As

Father, Brother, Grandfather, Grandson, Friend, Mentor, Companion, Spouse

Looking To Find

Brother, Friend, Companion, Spouse






United States


Art, Cars, Cooking, Internet, Museums, Movies, Music, Odd Jobs, Sports, TV

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