tjdingo tjdingo tjdingoNew startFather, Son, Brother, Grandson, Friend, Mentor, Companion, Spouse Membership Level: Basic Memberships Active 3 months, 3 weeks ago ConnectPrivate Message ProfileConnections 3ForumsMedia 0 Order By: Last Active Newest Registered Alphabetical Connections KittyKat KittyKatMother, Daughter, Sister, Grandmother, Friend, Mentor Tizzerme@gmail.comPerky and curious site isnt the most functionable site if your intrested contact me at tizzerme@gmail.comMother, Daughter, Sister, Grandmother, Granddaughter, Friend, Companion, Spouse Yvette YvetteLooking for a familyDaughter, Granddaughter Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 active members