
My Headline

Looking for a second chance at a family

My Description

Please nothing sexual. I really just want a family.

Please know that due to anxiety and other issues, I have no desire to meet in person or Skype at this time. It's a definite possibility once we trust each other. I'd really just like a mom. I wouldn't mind having a father figure either, but I have an incredibly hard time trusting men.

Also, I'm deaf. I lost my hearing at age 16.

I would be a good kid. I would write you frequently, send flowers on Mother's Day and appreciate all the shit that people who have always had loving parents take for granted. I don't want money or financial support. Just family.

I'm 22, an agnostic liberal living in the South. I like reading, television, video games, writing and cats. I'll elaborate later, or if you want to know more you can ask.

Anyway, anyone is welcome to write to me, regardless of who you are.

Willing To Serve As

Brother, Grandson, Friend, Mentor, Son

Looking To Find

Brother, Sister, Father, Mother, Grandfather, Grandmother, Friend, Mentor




United States



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